Thursday, March 5, 2009

The “Game is Over,” for Pakistan says the Economist?

The question is the game really over for the Pakistan cricket team? The answer is yes, it is over, with the most gruesome attack on South Asia’s famous sport: Cricket. The only team that had the guts to tour Pakistan and respect the good relations is now regretting their decision to tour in the first place. The sporting hopes and aspirations of Pakistan are lost in the smoke of the grenades and gun fires. Cricket which is the favourite sport of Pakistan and has seen some of the great stalwarts is in a big crisis.
For Pakistan, it dates back to the last decade where cricket has become a target of religious extremism and fundamentalism. The Pakistani cricketers were forced to grow beard and perform religious prayers. This was later stopped by newly appointed Pakistani Board Association Chairman Nasim Ashraf in 2006. Also the great bowlers Shoaib Akhtar and Muhammad Asif were banned from playing for the failed PCB tests. When cricket fans all over the world are looking forward for the IPL, there won’t be a single Pakistani player. Pakistan: India’s ally for the World Cup 2011 is under scrutiny now. The Gadiffa stadium and Liberty Chowk which were filled with cricket players and fans once upon a time will morn for the killed policemen.
The blame game by the Pakistani Gov't will only ruin the existing situation. The planners who carried the Mumbai attacks could have also possibly carried the attacks on Sri Lankan team. Announcement of one crore rupees by the Governor of Punjab for the person who finds the terrorist and a thorough investigation into this matter willl help in proving to the world that Pakistan is not a failed terrorist state but a state that is trying to fight terrorism.

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